Social Media Success for Dentists [7 Keys to Effective Posting]

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Structuring Social Media to Attract New Dental Patients

Variety Should Define Your Efforts

Humans are very good at spotting patterns. Whether it’s the use of certain phrases or types of clothing, we tend to notice aspects of life that recur. The mail comes at roughly the same time; people typically leave for work the same way every day; and universal signals like the rising sun and time are predictable and consistent. Such patterns can make us feel comfortable, but, in general, we judge them as simple and mundane parts of life, easily ignored. It isn’t until these patterns are interrupted that we notice them again—you can be sure if the sun suddenly rose in the south, people would be looking skyward.

This pattern principle is important when it comes to digital marketing and social media because the first objective for all posts and ad campaigns is to get attention. Your content has to be noticed before it can be absorbed and appreciated. If you want your brand to gain awareness, it has to first stop people from scrolling.

Social media success for dentists means designing your social media to be a balanced variety of posts. One day you might share something educational about dentistry and follow that with an entertaining video featuring the staff. You can share a blog and then a short, fun holiday post. Highlight a staff member the next day and then some before and after dental images. You can also vary the way you compose your posts to capture attention. For example, you might work with black and white images or create a 3D post or animated character. Stop-action videos are also popular today and give content a very unique look. There are so many ways to keep your content fresh and engaging. Scrolling through Instagram is a great way to get ideas.

We Are a Visual Culture

Our modern culture is highly visual. Screens and images surround us throughout the day. Billboards, magazines, and websites flash an endless stream of images that appeal to one primary sense—sight. Social media is almost exclusively visual, so it makes sense to focus your content creation on images and video. Studies show that highly visual content actually receives the most engagement online because it’s understood easily and quickly; images and video also trigger a satisfying emotional response.

Make Patients Smile

Life presents a good deal of hardship, and for many people, social media is an escape. Perhaps this is why humorous posts do so well. If you can make people smile and briefly forget their struggles, they will remember your brand in a positive light.

There are so many ways to get creative in the office. One of the best places to start: your talent. Most dental teams have someone who gets everyone laughing; don’t hesitate to ask this person for input. You might perform a silly Friday dance or pose in your Halloween costumes—there are endless ways to show patients and prospective patients that your dental team works well together. There are also plenty of web pages and social accounts that catalog humorous dental cartoons and memes. Pinterest is one of the best places to look.

Your Audience Wants to Be Inspired

With so much negative news swirling around in the media, people are hungry for hope and inspiration. This can come in the form of a positive story or quote. Basically, it’s any content that encourages people to think about the more lofty and noble aspects of life: charity, sacrifice, and hard work.

Remember to Be Social

Social media success for dentists is ultimately about building a digital relationship with your viewers; this relationship establishes trust over time and motivates a call to your office or initiates a referral. With this in mind, be sure to weave in ample social events. These moments give the public a window into the “heart” of your practice. Websites are great for corresponding information, but they lack the spontaneity and personality of social media posts.

Life is full of meaningful events that make great social posts. Maybe you are celebrating a working anniversary or a baby/wedding shower. Professional development also makes a great social post. Did your team members recertify their CPR training or sharpen their skills at a continuing education course? Be sure to document these moments with pictures and video because they show your team’s strength and your commitment to education and professionalism.

Educate Your Audience

There are so many aspects of dentistry and dental health that make effective social posts. You can produce short videos about various dental procedures like implants and whitening. Oral hygiene is also a great topic to explore. (Note: There are many stock images available online, but the most effective media is always organic.)

Move around the office and even take your educational videos offsite. Videos in the operatory work well, but you can add visual interest by creating content in different locations. For example, take viewers into the lab, so they can witness your attention to detail and cutting-edge equipment.

Avoid Politics and Anything Controversial

We live in a hyper-political world, and people have very strong feelings about many issues. Social media success for dentists requires that practice brands stay far away from these flashpoint subjects. By weighing in, you’re likely to alienate half your patients. Sadly, many brands have been severely damaged after mixing politics and business.

Yes, You’ll Need to Spend Some Money

To grow your dental practice brand on social media, you need to invest at least a few dollars a day in Facebook ads. This will ensure that your content is being circulated and seen by people who not only scroll their Facebook newsfeed but engage on Instagram, Marketplace, Stories, Reels, and Watch as well. As you grow your followers and engagement, the algorithm will share your content with more people organically. Still, it’s always a good idea to consistently boost your content and grow your online footprint more effectively.

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