Using Hashtags to Build Web Traffic and Attract New Dental Patients
An Easy Way to Expand Your Organic Reach
You’re probably at least somewhat familiar with hashtags. Maybe you’ve seen them on the bottom of social media posts, as part of an ad campaign, or even heard someone punctuate a sentence by saying, “hashtag…..” As our digital culture grows, hashtags are becoming more and more relevant because they serve to organize information. Today, information moves like water at the end of a firehose, so it needs to be broken down and structured for consumption. That’s where hashtags come in; this symbol (#) helps algorithms distribute the most relevant information online. Being able to effectively use hashtags in dental practice posts can greatly influence organic reach and web traffic—and ultimately attract more new patients.
Hashtag Lists for Dental Professionals
Hashtag Basics
- A hashtag does not have spaces.
- Hashtags are composed of letters and numbers, preceded by the hashtag symbol. The following are some examples: #springfieldildentists, #dentistsinspringfieldil, #bestspringfieldildentists.
- Normally, hashtags are in lowercase, but to improve readability, they can also be written out with capital letters (#SpringfieldILDentists).
- Numbers can be used in hashtags, but they should never be used exclusively or at the beginning, so #dentalmarketingtips2021 not #2021dentalmarketingtips.
- Think of hashtags like poems, very concise and distilled. Avoid filler words and get straight to the central idea.
Dentists Rank High in Google with These Techniques
What Really Matters to Google Google’s Mission From the beginning, Google has maintained one objective: to develop a search engine that provides the most valuable content to its users. In order to sift through the growing mountain of information on the Internet, founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin designed an
What Are the Best Dental Practice Hashtags
The best hashtags for your dental practice are the ones capable of increasing traffic to your social channels and website. As with all your digital marketing efforts, your goal should be the same: drive traffic to your website and social channels. The more people who see your dental practice, the more new patient calls you’ll receive. Using hashtags in dental practice posts is just one more way to leverage algorithms to boost your online presence and highlight your dental team.
Hashtags, like keywords, affect search outcomes. More people are searching for dental care services on social platforms, so it’s important to associate certain hashtags with your dental practice. For example, if a practice routinely uses #dentistsinspringfieldil, social algorithms will begin associating that phase with the practice account for Springfield Dental. Over time, this connection strengthens, so when people search for “dentists in Springfield, IL,” Springfield Dental content appears at the top—more likely to be clicked and pursued.
So the best hashtags are always the ones that people are likely to search. Think about how people might look for dental care in your area. For Springfield Dental, a good list of hashtags might include the following: #dentistsinspringfieldil #springfieldildentists #familydentistsinspringfieldil #teethwhiteninginspringfieldil #pediatricdentistsinspringfieldil #painfreedentistsinspringfieldil #bestdentistsinspringfieldil. Create a list of all the possible ways that your local community might search for dental services; brainstorm all the logical word combinations and create a master list from which to draw as you publish content.
How Many Hashtags Should Dental Posts Have?
Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube: It’s good practice to use between 3-4 hashtags per post, moving from specific to general. For example, for a teeth whitening post, you might include the following hashtags: #teethwhiteninginspringfieldil #familydentistsspringfieldil #cosmeticdentistry #brightsmiles. Notice how the first hashtag is very specific (noting the topic, practice, and location); the last hashtag is more general as it describes the effect of teeth whitening on a smile. By labeling your posts this way, algorithms can better understand what the content is actually about, which improves its ranking and circulation.
Instagram: Instagram uses hashtags differently. This platform allows up to 30 hashtags per post (10 per story). It’s a good idea, therefore, to build hashtag lists that include the most popular keywords. With every post, you’ll have your base hashtags (i.e., #dentistsinspringfieldil, #bestdentistsinspringfieldil, etc.), but you’ll also include popular hashtags associated with your posts/content.
You can research the best hashtags by using Instagram’s search bar. Start by entering a term associated with your post (e.g., #teethwhitening or #dentistry or #cosmeticdentistry). You’ll see a list of associated hashtags populated below and the number of followers. By building lists of the most popular terms associated with your content, you can expose your material and brand to more people organically. Of course, the popularity of hashtags changes over time, so it’s a good idea to continually research terms and make necessary changes to your lists.
Below are two examples of researched Instagram lists that maximize reach and engagement. The first includes So Many Molars base terms (#dentalmarketing, #dentalmarketingtips, and #socialmediafordentists). The list also includes content-specific hashtags like #healthyteeth and #toothcare. Lastly, the post includes more general topic hashtags like #dentalfacts and #oralhealth. The second example is organized the same way, going from base hashtags to content-specific hashtags (#babyteeth and #pediatricdentistry). The rest of the list includes the most popular hashtags associated with teeth, dentistry, and dental education.
Signal to the Algorithms Daily
By using hashtags in dental practice posts, you are training algorithms to associate your practice brand with various dental topics. The result is your content appearing in a prominent position and also being suggested to users who have searched for similar subjects. If your content is positioned well, it will be seen by more people, which translates into more traffic and more new patient calls. In a digital world, hashtags are much-needed leverage to compete online.