Dentists Rank High in Google with These Techniques

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What Really Matters to Google

Google’s Mission

From the beginning, Google has maintained one objective: to develop a search engine that provides the most valuable content to its users.  In order to sift through the growing mountain of information on the Internet, founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin designed an algorithm that ranked web pages in a hierarchy, based (originally and exclusively) on the number of incoming links and the quality of those links.  The logic was that “link popularity” revealed a website’s inherent value and positive user experience.  In short, websites with authoritative, quality content would have more links and better links (links to popular and important sites—newspapers, government agencies, corporations, etc.).

As you can imagine, however, it didn’t take long before webmasters found ways to manipulate the link-based program and gain a higher rank, artificially.  So in order to maintain Google’s original mission, the algorithm had to evolve and get smarter; today, it incorporates many other ranking factors (or signals), such as content quality, website speed, mobile capability, social media, web traffic, dwell time, and online reviews.   In fact, the program is so complex now that even the most experienced search engine authorities can only speculate as to the inner workings and ever-changing nuances of Google.

So What Does This Mean for Dentists?

Every dental practice wants to know how dentists rank high in Google.  A high rank equates to more exposure, more traffic, and ultimately more new patients.  The question is, of course, how do you achieve a consistently high rank?  Given the number of signals that impact a website’s ranking, how can a dental practice wisely invest its time and resources to boost search engine optimization (SEO)?  What online signals are the most significant and likely to deliver the greatest return on investment?  What if a dental practice lacks the technical knowledge to address specific SEO issues?  What things can dental teams do each day to boost their ranking?

With Google’s latest updates, the search engine giant is able to concentrate on its original goal: to provide users with the most useful information and best experience.  Simply put, anything a dental practice does to build value into its web presence will positively affect its website page rank.  Think quality over quantity.  The days of artificially manipulating Google in order to achieve a higher rank are over.  There are no shortcuts or secret codes.  The formula to build SEO is simple: Consistently publish original, high-quality content, and the rankings will follow.  Great content creates a positive user experience; a positive user experience translates into more traffic; and more traffic signals to Google that your site should rank higher.

High-Quality, Original Content Helps Dentists Rank Higher in Google

In SEO circles, they say “content is king.”  Google looks very favorably on original content—images, video, and text; but of these three, text still reigns supreme.  It makes sense that Google would lean hard on text because it’s the most difficult content to fake and the easiest one for Google to analyze.  Anyone can post pictures and videos (Google doesn’t have the ability to actually judge the quality of a photograph or video, yet.), but Google search bots are smart enough to spot keyword stuffing and garbled, nonsense writing; moreover, Google knows when a piece of written content appears on more than one website.  The bottom line is that it’s very difficult to cheat the system with text, that is without risking serious (and in many cases, permanent) damage to a website’s Google standing.

It’s tempting to think more is better when it comes to content, but Google actually favors websites with fewer pieces of high-quality, potent content.  This material not only attracts more visitors, but it also keeps them longer; such “dwell time” is a significant signal to Google that your content provides value and that it deserves a higher rank.

Start Blogging

One of the best ways to add content to your dental practice website is by blogging.  Text does much to help Google determine your website’s rank.  With each blog post, your site has the opportunity to build authority within its niche, by demonstrating mastery, and value to search engines and visitors.

When prospective patients search for a dental home, they seek authenticity and professionalism; blog posts can demonstrate both your personality and genuine passion for dentistry.  Most dental websites are filled with stock photos and recycled dental articles; only a select few dentists routinely update their websites and social channels with high-quality articles.  Google not only sees and rewards such efforts, but prospective patients do as well.  Moreover, for active patients, a blog can serve as a great resource.  When patients have questions about certain dental topics, staff can easily forward blog post links that address these issues.

Lastly, blogs are a great way to link internally and externally.  Link building has always been important to Google because links strengthen content.  Internal links show Google that your material is closely related and focused on a certain subject; external backlinks from other websites demonstrate your authority.

Google Reviews Boost Google Ranking

With a disciplined approach to building Google reviews, a dental office improves its SEO directly and indirectly.  A fair to good number of online reviews indicates that people are interacting with a dental practice and its website.  This activity, in turn, helps dentists rank higher in Google.  A better ranking means more exposure and more new patients and more reviews, which means an even higher ranking.  Of course, this assumes the practice continues to request reviews and that the reviews are mostly positive.  A slew of negative comments will most certainly destroy an online dental practice brand.

Asking patients to write Google reviews is probably the easiest and quickest way that dentists can improve their ranking.  Most practices just fail to ask and, therefore, miss a great opportunity to strengthen their online presence.  To remain competitive today, however, dental practices must establish a system to gather a consistent stream of new reviews.  Consider the following guidelines: 1) Only ask happy patients for reviews.  Avoid sending out blanket requests for reviews because your not-so-thrilled patients just might respond and damage your rating.  2) Assign a Google review coordinator.  This person should determine the best patients to ask and decide what team member is best suited to make the request.  One review a week would be an excellent goal.  3) Respond to every review (positive and negative).  4) Avoid getting too many reviews at once.  This type of activity can actually flag your Google listing as suspicious and prevent reviews from being posted.

dental patients writing online reviews

Respond to Online Patient Reviews—Period

How Online Reviews Can Attract New Dental Patients The Largely Untapped Practice Builder If you don’t respond to online patient reviews, it’s like deciding not to cash in winning lottery tickets.  There’s so much opportunity in both good and bad reviews—yes, even less-than-perfect reviews can strengthen your online practice brand

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How Social Media Improves SEO and Google Ranking

Given the growing number of people using social media today, it shouldn’t be a surprise that such a flurry of internet activity would matter to Google.  A vibrant social media presence naturally enhances all the important signals that indicate value and authority.  With a large audience of social media followers, a dental practice experiences more website traffic, links, brand recognition, new patients, reviews, etc.  In other words, social media strengthens the factors that Google is already monitoring.  Social media is like nourishment for your web presence, and it helps dentists rank higher in Google.  It might help to think of social media like an irrigation trench off a river.  The river, in this analogy, is the Internet.  When you create a social media channel, you are essentially taking some of the river water (web traffic) and diverting it toward your field (website/blog/YouTube channel/etc.).  The larger the trench (number of followers), the more water (web traffic); the more traffic, the higher your Google ranking.  Google accurately assumes that content is high quality and valuable if it attracts many visitors.

Always Wear a White Hat

Anyone who studies SEO for even a short while will discover two important terms, “white hat” and “black hat”; this tech jargon alludes to classic Western movies in which the bad guy traditionally wears a black hat and the good guy, a white one.  In SEO circles, the terms refer to legitimate and illegitimate methods of bolstering search rank.  In a nutshell, any optimization technique that violates Google’s Terms of Service, in order to achieve a higher page rank, is considered black hat.  Whereas playing by the rules and striving to create high-quality, engaging content—and an exceptional user experience—is viewed as white hat.

Every day, businesses unfortunately discover the consequences of pursuing black hat SEO techniques.  There are so many examples of companies that have decimated their online presence by violating the rules.  That said, it’s never worth cutting corners.  Focus on the basics, and your site will definitely build credibility with the world’s largest search engine.

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