Click Calendar Dates Below
Gum Care Month
Gum Health Month is an important part of your 2025 September social media calendar. Periodontal disease (periodontitis) or gum disease leads to bone loss, tooth loss, stroke, and heart disease. Thankfully, with proper hygiene, it’s mostly avoidable.
- Produce a short video about gum disease and how to avoid it with proper oral hygiene.
- Create an infographic that illustrates the negative impact of periodontal disease.
- Create a post about the importance of sunshine and gum health. When skin is exposed to sunlight, it produces vitamin D, which strengthens teeth and supports gum health.
- Run a local social media ad about the signs and symptoms of gum disease and the importance of regular dental visits.
- Share an article about gum disease from the American Dental Association: What is gum disease?
- Post text: “Gum Health Month is a time to focus on the dangers of periodontal disease (periodontitis) or gum disease. This infection can lead to bone loss, tooth loss, stroke, and heart disease. Thankfully, with proper hygiene, it’s mostly avoidable.”
- Use gum health hashtags in your posts and the following: #gumcare #gumcareawareness #gumcaremonth #gumhealth #healthygums #periodontitis #perioproblems
- Share one of the graphics or one of the videos below.
Baby Safety Month
Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association founded Baby Safety Month in 1983. This month, identify dangers for young children in our modern world and share helpful safety tips. One of these critical baby safety topics is, of course, baby oral care.
- Post about important baby oral care topics.
- Clean infant gums after feeding.
- Avoid pacifiers and thumb sucking because they negatively affect proper oral development.
- The bacteria that cause dental decay can be transmitted to babies, so avoid testing baby food/bottles with your mouth.
- Schedule a dental visit within six months after a baby’s first tooth comes in.
- Use the proper type and amount of toothpaste.
- Don’t put babies to bed with a bottle. This can cause dental decay.
- Create an informative post that details some of the most important safety measures.
- Make sure that choking hazards (small objects) are kept away from small children.
- Be sure to use approved car seats that are properly installed.
- Keep all large objects, like dressers and other furniture, from tipping over.
- Make sure that your home is protected with smoke and carbon detectors.
- Put babies to sleep on their backs.
- Don’t let people smoke around your baby.
- Wash your hands to avoid germ transfer.
- Install safety guards on windows.
- Keep medications and other harmful substances (cleaners, etc.) out of reach.
- Watch for peeling paint that might contain lead (in homes built before 1978).
- Use electrical outlet covers.
- Post text: “In September, we recognize Baby Safety Month. It’s a time to review all the dangers that exist for young children in our modern world and to share helpful safety tips. One of these critical baby safety topics is, of course, baby oral care.”
- Use the following hashtags: #babyproof #babyproofing #babyproofingtime #babysafety #babysafetymonth #babysafetytips
- Share the graphic or one of the videos below.
World Alzheimer's Month
The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease, which affects about six percent of people over 65. This disease negatively impacts parts of the brain that control memories, language, and cognition. Use your 2025 September social media calendar to share important information about Alzheimer’s disease (e.g., There is no cure, but researchers believe that no smoking, lowering blood pressure, regular exercise, and good oral hygiene reduce risk factors.).
- Post about the connection between the inflammation caused by periodontal disease and Alzheimer’s disease. Stress the importance of flossing, brushing, and gum health.
- Share information about sleep apnea and Alzheimer’s disease. Describe how a custom dental sleep appliance works to maintain a healthy airway.
- Post text: “The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease, which affects about six percent of people over 65. This disease negatively impacts parts of the brain that control memories, language, and cognition. There is no cure, but researchers believe that lowering blood pressure, regular exercise, and good oral hygiene reduce risk factors.”
- Use the following hashtags: #alzheimers #alzheimersdisease #alzheimersmonth #alzheimersmonth #worldalzheimersmonth
- Share the graphic below.
Office Manager Appreciation Month
Your office manager keeps the practice running smoothly. This month, show your followers “behind the scenes” at all the coordination that occurs between insurance, scheduling, lab work, etc. These informative social media posts not only demonstrate staff appreciation, but they also highlight members of your team who work in the background.
- Bring in your office manager’s favorite pizza. Get some smiling pictures for social media.
- Present your office manager with a gift certificate to a popular local restaurant. Make a short reaction video. Tag the restaurant on social media to build your local network.
- Create a “day in the life” video that shows followers the systems required to deliver high-quality dentistry.
- Stage a funny picture with your office manager. Maybe have your dental team dress as prisoners, and your office manager could be a guard? Be creative!
- Post text: “Our office manager keeps the practice running smoothly. There is so much coordination that must occur between insurance, scheduling, lab work, etc. We are so thankful for the guidance and support!”
- Use the following hashtags: #dentalteam #greatstaff #officemanager #officemanagerappreciation #officemanagerappreciationmonth #recognition #staff
- Share the graphic below.
Labor Day (September 1)
Including Labor Day in your social media days recognizes the efforts of American workers to build and sustain the nation.
- Create a social post that details the history of Labor Day.
- Detail some great achievements of American labor.
- Do something extra special for your staff to validate their efforts.
- Ask followers to share how they intend to spend the day off.
- Post text: “On Labor Day, we recognize the efforts of American workers who build and sustain our society. Today is also a time to illustrate how hard work and goals lead to extraordinary achievements.”
- Use the following hashtags: #labor #laborday #labordaybbq #labordayfun #labordayparty #labordayweekend #laborday2025 #labormovement #work #workingday #workingmom #workingmomlife #workingmomma #workingpeople
- Share one of the graphics below.
American Chess Day (September 1)
Chess is a great way to start your 2025 September social media calendar because it’s all about learning and thinking, which is one of the major themes this month. Have some fun with this popular game of wits and strategy.
- Share an informative post about the history of chess.
- Put some chess games in the waiting room and snap creative pictures of patients playing.
- Raffle off a nice chess set for your social media followers. They enter the raffle by sharing their favorite board game in the comments. Draw a winner live at the end of the day.
- Create a post about the cognitive benefits of chess.
- Post text: “The game of chess is all about thinking and strategy—it’s a great way to exercise the mind. Take a tablet/phone break today and set up a chessboard!”
- Use the following hashtags: #americanchessday #chess #chessboard #chessday #chessday2025 #chessgame #chesslover #chessmaster #chessmatch #chessmoves #chesspiece #chessplayer #chessset #playchess
- Share the graphic below.
World Coconut Day (September 2)
Coconuts are a very popular food and also very healthy. World Coconut Day can be a fun time to explore this tropical icon.
- Make a creative coconut display in the office.
- Bring in a special coconut treat for the staff and snap pictures for social media.
- Take a coconut selfie with the staff.
- Create a social post that explores the oral health benefits of coconut oil, how it reduces inflammation and helps to prevent gum disease.
- Post text: “Coconut is not only a popular and delicious food, it’s also very healthy. It reduces inflammation, which helps to prevent gum disease!”
- Use gum health hashtags in your posts and the following: #coconut #coconutcake #coconutcookies #coconutcream #coconutday #coconutmilk #coconutoil #coconutoilbenefits #coconuts #coconuttree #coconuttrees #coconutwater #coconutyogurt #worldcoconutday
- Share the graphic below.
National Wildlife Day (September 4)
National Wildlife Day is a time to highlight the value of nature and wildlife. Animals play a vital role in maintaining ecosystems, so promoting awareness is important.
- Encourage followers to take pictures of local wildlife and share them in the comments.
- Create a social post that details the importance of wildlife and natural habitats.
- Make a short, fun video and ask staff members to talk about their favorite wild animals.
- Share a heartwarming wild animal video.
- Post text: “National Wildlife Day is a time to highlight the value of nature and wildlife. Animals play a vital role in maintaining ecosystems. Do you have any wildlife around your house? Please share a picture in the comments!”
- Use the following hashtags: #nationalwildlifeday #wildanimals #wildlife #wildlifeconservation #wildlifeday #wildlifelovers #wildlifeonearth #wildlifephoto #wildlifephotographer #wildlifephotography #wildlifeplanet
- Share the graphic or one of the videos below.
National Cheese Pizza Day (September 5)
Time to bring some yum into your 2025 September social media calendar. The classic cheese pizza is one of the most popular foods. National Cheese Pizza Day is a good time to highlight its unique history and how it can strengthen teeth!
- Order some cheese pizza for the staff and get some creative social media pictures.
- Create a social post that explains how the calcium in cheese actually strengthens tooth enamel.
- Ask followers to share their favorite brand of pizza in the comments.
- Live raffle a few gift certificates to a local pizza establishment.
- Post text: “Ask people about their favorite food, and many will likely say pizza. Pizza is popular in our culture, and one of the most ordered types of pizza is cheese. Did you know that not only is cheese pizza delicious, but it has oral health benefits too? It’s true the calcium in cheese is good for your teeth because it contains calcium, which strengthens tooth enamel.”
- Use tooth health hashtags and the following: #cheesepizza #cheesepizzaday #cheesepizzalover #cheesepizzas #nationalcheesepizzaday #pizza #pizzas
- Share the graphic or one of the videos below.
International Literacy Day (September 8)
Reading is such an important skill. Understanding the written word helps people lead safer, healthier, and more fulfilling lives.
- Create a small display of your staff’s favorite books.
- Ask followers to share their favorite books.
- Raffle off an e-reader (kindle). Hold the drawing live with your staff.
- Purchase copies of a classic children’s book and offer it to all young patients who come in today.
- Donate children’s books to a local elementary school.
- Post text: “Reading is such an important skill. Understanding the written word helps people lead safer, healthier, and more fulfilling lives. Do you have a favorite author or book? If so, please share in the comments.”
- Use the following hashtags: #earlyliteracy #internationalliteracyday #internationalliteracyday2025 #literacy #literacyday #literacyday2025 #literacyforall #literacymatters #literacyweek #read #readabook #readbooks #reading #readmore
- Share the graphic below.
Patriot Day (September 11)
On Patriot Day, Americans remember the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and the cost of freedom.
- Display an American flag.
- Post on social media about resolve and freedom.
- Share an article about the 9/11 memorial.
- Create a post about remembering those lost.
- Post text: “On Patriot Day, Americans remember the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and the cost of freedom.”
- Use the following hashtags: #freedom #neverforget #neverforget911 #nineeleven #patriot #patriotism #patriotday #patriotday2025 #911
- Share one of the graphics or the video below.
National Video Games Day (September 12)
Your 2025 September social media calendar is about learning and creativity. Video games encourage critical thinking and problem-solving. Gaming has grown in popularity over the years, and this day is a time to recognize its influence on our culture.
- Ask the doctor to share his/her favorite video game.
- Share an article about how video games have evolved over the years.
- Ask followers to share their favorite video games in the comments.
- Bring in a video game treat like Pac-Man decorated cookies.
- Post text: “Video games have certainly changed from the days of Pac-Man and Pong. Today, many people enjoy playing video games, and studies have shown that these games encourage critical thinking and problem-solving. Do you have a favorite game?”
- Use the following hashtags: #bestvideogame #favoritevideogame #nationalvideogameday #playvideogames #videogameday #videogames #videogamesaddict #videogamescollection #videogamesforlife #videogameslive
- Share the graphic or one of the videos below.
National Coloring Day (September 14)
Coloring is an activity that most people can remember growing up. It helps to inspire and build valuable motor skills and creativity.
- Set up a small table with dental coloring books, markers, and crayons. Share your patient’s creations on social media.
- Have the staff color the same dental-related image (toothpaste, dental floss, etc.). Share the results as a scrolling carousel. Ask your followers to vote for their favorite.
- Ask followers to share their best coloring in the comments.
- Share an article about the benefits of coloring.
- Post text: “Coloring is an activity that most people can remember growing up. It helps to inspire and build valuable motor skills and creativity. Do you have any special memories of coloring?”
- Use the following hashtags: #coloring #coloringbook #coloringbookforadults #coloringbooks #coloringday #coloringforadults #coloringforgrownups #coloringfun #coloringmasterpiece #coloringpage #coloringpages #coloringtherapy #coloringtime #nationalcoloringday
- Share the graphic below.
International Patient Safety Day (September 17)
Patient safety should be included in your social calendar. Healthcare providers should always promote high safety standards.
- Create a short video detailing some of your office’s safety precautions. Click to explore social media posts about dental practice safety.
- Share a post about how dental patient safety has changed over the years.
- Share an article about required dental office safety measures.
- Have your dental team pose for a picture holding a banner that reads “Safety First.”
- Post text: “Patient safety is the most important aspect of exceptional healthcare. Our dental team maintains the highest safety standards, and we continually upgrade equipment and improve training procedures.”
- Use the following hashtags: #internationalpatientsafetyday #patientsafety #patientsafetyawarenessweek #patientsafetyday #patientsafetyfirst #patientsafetymovement
- Share the graphic or video below.
Batman Day (September 20)
A well-balanced 2025 September social media calendar should include many fun and entertaining posts. Today, you can be creative with Batman, one of the most iconic cartoon characters.
- Have the doctor dress up as Batman for the day.
- Get some Batman hats and offer them to patients. Get some good pictures for social media.
- Ask your followers to vote on their favorite Batman actor.
- Bring in a Batman action figure for display at the front desk. Decorate it with dental items: toothpaste, floss, toothbrush, and mouthwash.
- Post text: “Batman is one of the most popular superheroes. Many films and television shows have featured this cape crusader. Are you a Batman fan? Who is your favorite of all the Batman actors (Adam West, Michael Keaton, Ben Affleck, Christian Bale, George Clooney, Val Kilmer, Robert Pattinson, etc.)?”
- Use the following hashtags: #batman #batmanandrobin #batmanbegins #batmanbeyond #batmanday #batmanday2025 #badmanfan #batmanforever #batmanreturns #batmanvssuperman #batmanvsuperman #thebatman
- Share the graphic below.
First Day of Fall/Autumnal Equinox (September 22)
The first day of fall means the sun is directly over the earth’s equator; it is the middle point between the longest and shortest days.
- Share some fall pictures. Consider a collage of staff, patients, and office fall decor.
- Create an infographic about the first day of fall.
- Ask your followers what they like most about the change of seasons.
- Share a quote or a poem about fall.
- Post text: “It’s officially fall! Time for hot cider and colorful leaves! The first day of fall means the sun is directly over the earth’s equator; it is the middle point between the longest and shortest days.”
- Use the following hashtags: #autumn #autumnalequinox #autumncolors #autumndays #autumndecor #autumnleaves #autumnmood #autumnstyle #autumnvibes #autumnweather #fall #fall2025 #fallcolors #falldecor #falldecorating #falldecorations #fallequinox #fallfoliage #fallleaves #fallrecipes #fallseason #fallvibes #fallweather #firstdayoffall
- Share one of the graphics below.
National Ice Cream Cone Day (September 22)
Ice cream is one of the most popular treats, and eating it out of a cone makes it even more fun.
- Take your staff out for an ice cream cone and snap some fun social media pictures. Make a short film with each team member sharing their favorite flavor.
- Post an informative post about the history of National Ice Cream Cone Day.
- Remind patients that brushing and flossing after sugary treats is the best way to prevent tooth decay.
- Ask followers to share their favorite flavor of ice cream in the comments.
- Post text: “Ice cream is one of the most popular desserts. With so many flavors, everyone can find a favorite! Ice cream also contains calcium, which strengthens tooth enamel-just be sure to brush and floss after sugary foods!”
- Use the following hashtags: #icecream #icecreamcone #icecreamcones #icecreamday #icecreamdays #icecreamlove #icecreamlover #icecreamsandwich #icecreamtime #nationalicecreamday #nationalicecreamday2025
- Share the graphic below.
National Punctuation Day (September 24)
Punctuation is a critical part of effective communication. Misplaced punctuation marks can really change the meaning of a sentence. National Punctuation Day is a great time to remember those little symbols that do so much to improve our writing.
- Ask followers to share their favorite punctuation mark in the comments.
- Share a funny meme about misplaced punctuation.
- Share a punctuation rule in a sentence that reinforces good oral hygiene.
- Have followers vote on the most important punctuation mark.
- Post text: “Punctuation is a critical part of effective communication. Misplaced punctuation marks can really change the meaning of a sentence. National Punctuation Day is a great time to remember those little symbols that do so much to improve our writing. Do you have a favorite punctuation mark? Please share it in the comments.”
- Use the following hashtags: #nationalpunctuationday #punctuation #punctuationdaily #punctuationday #punctuationmarks #puntuation_marks #punctuationmatters #punctuationpolice
- Share the graphic below.
National Daughters Day (September 25)
National Daughters Day is a great time to highlight the special bond between parents and daughters.
- Post pictures of staff with their daughters.
- Share a special quote about daughters.
- Ask followers to answer the following question: “Why are daughters special?”
- Create a survey post that asks the following question: Is it easier to raise daughters or sons?
- Create a post that suggests special things you can do with your daughter on National Daughters Day.
- Post text: “National Daughters Day is a time to highlight the special bond between parents and daughters. Are you the parent of a daughter? If so, please explain why raising daughters is so rewarding.”
- Use the following hashtags: #daughters #daughtersarethebest #daughtersday #daughtersday2025 #daughterslove #daughtersrock #nationaldaughtersday
- Share the graphic or video below.
World Heart Day (September 29)
One of the major themes of your 2025 September social media calendar is gum health and the widely-known link between oral health and heart health. Today is a good time to remind followers.
- Share an informative article about oral infection and heart disease.
- Create an infographic that illustrates how oral conditions impact cardiovascular health.
- Have the doctor speak to followers in a short video about the link between oral health and heart health.
- Run a hygiene special that encourages people to schedule a cleaning.
- Post text: “On World Heart Day, we focus on the link between oral health and heart health. Getting routine dental cleanings and checkups is the best way to avoid decay and periodontal disease, which lead to cardiovascular disease and other serious conditions such as diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and cancer.”
- Use gum health hashtags in your posts and the following: #heartday #heartday2025 #hearthealth #hearthealthawareness #hearthealthmonth #hearthealthy #hearthealthydiet #hearthealthyfood #hearthealthyliving #worldheartday #worldheartday2025
- Share the graphic or one of the videos below.
National Coffee Day (September 29)
Next to water, coffee is one of the most popular drinks across the globe. Coffee Day is not only a good way to build rapport with patients, but it’s also a good way to network with local businesses.
- Raffle off an in-office teeth whitening treatment.
- Share some interesting history about coffee.
- Provide tips on how to avoid coffee stains on teeth.
- Bring in coffee for your staff.
- As patients checkout, hand them a gift certificate to a local coffee shop. Let the coffee shop know that you plan to distribute the gift certificates to your patients. Businesses remember any traffic you can send their way and often reciprocate with referrals.
- Post text: “Coffee is a powerful antioxidant and has many important health benefits. That said, it can also stain your teeth. Regular cleanings and stain toothpaste will help you keep a bright white smile!”
- Use teeth whitening hashtags in your posts and the following: #coffee #coffeedaily #coffeeday #coffeedays #coffeelife #coffeelover #coffeelovers #coffeeshop #coffeetime #nationalcoffeeday #nationalcoffeeday2025
- Share the graphic or one of the videos below.
National Chewing Gum Day (September 30)
Many people enjoy chewing gum, but did you know that it can actually support good oral health? Use your 2025 September social media calendar to create and promote some social media content about the benefits of xylitol.
- Share some information about chewing gum with xylitol. Explain how xylitol reduces harmful, cavity-causing bacteria in the mouth.
- Provide your patients with xylitol gum.
- Make a short video that explains the benefits of chewing gum with xylitol.
- Hold a bubble-blowing contest with your staff and capture some funny pictures for social media.
- Post text: “Many people enjoy chewing gum, but did you know that it can actually support good oral health? Chewing gum with xylitol helps to reduce bacteria in the mouth, which protects teeth from decay.”
- Use the following hashtags: #bubblegum #chewgum #gum #nationalchewinggumday #xylitol #xylitolgum
- Share the graphic or video below.