March Social Media Calendar [2025]

March social media calendar graphic

Click Calendar Dates Below

National Nutrition Month

Your 2025 March social media calendar should focus on the relationship between nutrition and oral health. Nutritional deficiencies manifest in the oral cavity as gingivitis, bleeding gums, recurrent aphthous stomatitis, enamel hypomineralization, cheilitis, halitosis, glossitis, and stomatitis. Poor oral health, such as tooth loss, can also impact dietary quality and nutrient intake, potentially increasing the risk of systemic diseases.

  • Focus on making healthy food choices. Foods low in sugar and high in nutrients promote healthy teeth and gums.
  • Create posts around the most tooth-friendly foods.
    • Cheese, milk, and yogurt are high in phosphorus, calcium, and casein, which strengthen tooth enamel and protect against decay.
    • Water keeps your mouth clean and washes away harmful acids that weaken enamel. It also contains fluoride that strengthens enamel.
    • Crunchy vegetables (carrots, celery, and broccoli) act like natural toothbrushes, removing leftover food and bacteria. They also contain vitamins and micronutrients.
    • Green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale are filled with tooth/gum-friendly folic acid, vitamins, minerals, and enamel-strengthening calcium.
    • Chewing apples cleans teeth and lowers blood pressure, inflammation, and cholesterol levels, which supports heart health.
    • Nuts (especially almonds, cashews, and Brazil nuts) contain calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D, which improve tooth and gum health.
    • Chewing on meats and fatty fish stimulates saliva production, which helps clean teeth. Fatty fish like salmon contain the enamel-protecting mineral phosphorus.
    • Tea and coffee contain polyphenols, powerful antioxidants that reduce inflammation and fight oral cancer.
    • Strawberries and other vitamin C berries help repair gum tissue and strengthen tooth dentin. Strawberries are particularly helpful because they contain malic acid, a natural tooth whitener.
  • Use the following hashtags: #nationalnutritionmonth #nutrition #nutritionadvice #nutritionfacts #nutritionmonth #nutritionplan #nutritiontips
  • Share the graphic or one of the videos below.

National Celery Month

Celery supports oral health because it acts like a natural toothbrush. Its fibrous texture removes food particles and plaque from teeth while chewing, stimulating saliva production and neutralizing acids in the mouth. Celery also contains vitamin C and calcium, which contribute to healthy gums and strong teeth.

  • Celery contains vitamins A and C, which strengthen tooth enamel.
  • Chewing on celery produces saliva, and this naturally cleans teeth.
  • Celery is like a natural toothbrush that removes harmful plaque.
  • Celery contains antioxidants that reduce inflammation and gum disease.
  • Celery juice and fiber work to reverse tooth decay and receding gums.
  • Post text: “Celery is one of nature’s best toothbrushes. It supports oral health because it acts like a natural toothbrush. Its fibrous texture removes food particles and plaque from teeth while chewing, stimulating saliva production and neutralizing acids in the mouth. Celery also contains vitamin C and calcium, which contribute to healthy gums and strong teeth.” 
  • Use the following hashtags: #celery #celerybenefits #celerydetox #celeryjuicebenefits #celeryjuicechallenge #celeryjuiceheals #celeryjuicing #celerymonth #celeryroot #celeryseed #celerysoup #celerysticks #nationalcelerymonth
  • Share the graphic or video below.

National Reading Month

  • Video idea: Have one of your dental team members read a child’s book about dental health.
  • Ask your followers to share their favorite author/book.
  • Create a display of dental-themed children’s books in the reception area.
  • Raffle off a children’s book about dental health.
    • The Berenstain Bears Visit the Dentist
    • Teeth Are Not for Biting
    • How to Catch the Tooth Fairy
    • My Friend Toothy: How to Practice Good Dental Hygiene
    • Pete the Cat and the Lost Tooth
    • Just Going to the Dentist
    • The Tooth Book (Dr. Seuss)
    • Dr. De Soto
    • Pout-Pout Fish: Goes to the Dentist
    • Brush, Brush, Brush!
    • Daniel Goes to the Dentist

  • Create a post that details the benefits of reading.
    • Strengthens focus and memory.
    • Broadens vocabulary and improves writing ability.
    • Increases knowledge and analytical thinking skills.
    • Inspires creativity and stimulates the mind.
    • Relaxes the body and reduces stress.
  • Use the following hashtags: #nationalreadingmonth #read #reader #readers #reading #readinglist #readingmonth #readingnook #readingtime #readmore #readmorebooks

National Umbrella Month

Your 2025 March social media calendar begins by addressing the spring rain. National Umbrella Month can be a great time to distribute some branded dental practice merchandise and have fun with this helpful invention.

  • Hand out umbrellas with your logo. Every time people use it to keep dry, they will remember your dental team.
  • Create a boomerang video by opening and closing an umbrella.
  • Create a post about the history of umbrellas.
  • Have your followers share their best umbrella pictures.
  • Post text: “What would we do without umbrellas? They are so helpful in the rain!”
  • Use the following hashtags: #bringanumbrella #nationalumbrellamonth #rain #raining #umbrella #umbrelladay #umbrellamonth #umbrellas #umbrellasky #umbrellatime
  • Share one of the graphics below.

Dr. Seuss's Birthday (March 2)

Dr. Seuss has captivated young readers for decades. On this social media date, you can remember his unique characters and memorable lines. This day is also known as National Read Across America Day.

  • Share a Dr. Seuss quote.
    • “A person’s a person, no matter how small.”
    • “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”
    • “Adults are obsolete children.”
    • “Fun is good.”
    • “From there to here, and here to there, funny things are everywhere.”
  • Get Dr. Seuss hats for your dental team and pose for a group picture.
  • Hand out copies of classic Dr. Seuss books to your patients.
  • Create a short video of a team member reading a Dr. Seuss book about teeth.
  • Post text: “Dr. Seuss has captivated young readers for decades. Do you remember his unique characters and memorable lines?”
  • Use the following hashtags: #drseuss #drseussbirthday #drseussbooks #drseussquote #drseussquotes #drseussweek
  • Share the graphic or one of the videos below.

Dental Assistant's Recognition Week (March 2-8)

An effective dental practice brand is grown and supported by everyone, especially those who interact with patients the most, like dental assistants. Be sure your 2025 March social media calendar has plenty of posts of appreciation.

  • Take your dental assistants out for lunch.
  • Get each assistant an Amazon gift card.
  • Design a social post that publically thanks your assistants for all they do.
  • Create a short video that features your dental assistants; ask them, “What do you enjoy most about being a dental assistant?”
  • Post text: “We are so grateful for our dental assistants! They keep the office running smoothly and make sure all patients are comfortable. Today, we recognize their tremendous efforts!”
  • Use the following hashtags: #dentalassistant #dentalassistants #dentalassistantsrecognitionweek #dentalassistantsweek
  • Share the graphic below.

National Dentist's Day (March 6)

National Dentist’s Day is the perfect time to highlight the dentist or dentists working in your practice.

  • Put together a collage of pictures for social media that demonstrates your dentist’s love of dentistry, care for patients, and camaraderie with the dental team.
  • Have everyone on the team sign a giant card for the dentist.
  • Interview the dentist and ask why dentistry is so special.
  • Record a fun video reel and let everyone on the team share something positive and unique about the dentist.
  • Pool some money and get the dentist a gift, maybe a gift certificate to his/her favorite restaurant. Take some pictures and share them on social media.
  • Post text: “Today, we recognize dentists and all the work they do to maintain our oral health—their efforts significantly improve our overall wellness!”
  • Use the following hashtags: #dentist #dentistday #dentists #dentistsday #nationaldentistday #nationaldentistsday
  • Share the graphic or one of the videos below.

National Employee Appreciation Day (March 7)

Your dental team is the core of your practice. Today is the time to show your appreciation for all they do.

  • Bring in some special treats for your dental team.
  • Take everyone out for lunch or have it catered in.
  • Go on a team-building outing (ziplining, escape room, bowling, etc.).
  • Get everyone on your team a monogrammed hoodie. Take a group photo and post it on social media.
  • Post text: “Our practice is extraordinary because our dental team is extraordinary.”
  • Use the following hashtags: #appreciate #appreciation #appreciationpost #employee #employeeappreciation #employeeappreciationday #employees
  • Share the graphic below.

Daylight Saving Time (begins at 2 a.m. on March 9)

Use your 2025 March social media calendar to remind followers to set their clocks forward one hour.

  • Post text: “Don’t forget to set your clocks forward one hour!”
  • Use the following hashtags: #daylightsaving #daylightsavings #daylightsavingstime #daylightsavingtime #springforward
  • Share the graphic below.

National No Smoking Day (March 12)

Smoking is a highly addictive and dangerous habit that negatively impacts health, quality of life, and even those who breathe secondhand smoke. Today, we note the way smoking affects oral health (oral cancer, periodontal disease, loose/stained teeth, etc.). It’s also a time to direct smokers toward the many quit-smoking resources available to help.

  • Share a post that lists the dangers of smoking, especially the impact on oral health.
  • Film a short video and explain how smoking affects oral health.
  • Create a post that provides links to quitting resources.
  • Post text: “Smoking is a highly addictive and dangerous habit that negatively impacts health, quality of life, and even those who breathe secondhand smoke. Today, we note the way smoking affects oral health (oral cancer, periodontal disease, loose/stained teeth, etc.). It’s also a time to direct smokers toward the many quit-smoking resources available to help.”
  • Use no smoking hashtags in your posts and the following: #nationalnosmokingday #nosmokingday
  • Share the graphic or one of the videos below.

National Good Samaritan Day (March 13)

Being a good Samaritan means helping out when needed. See if you can inspire your followers to find ways to assist others.

  • Create a post that lists ways to help people in big and small ways.
  • Organize a free dental care day for those less fortunate.
  • Ask your followers to share ways that people have been good Samaritans to them.
  • Share an inspiring story about someone who acted selflessly.
  • Post text: “Being a good Samaritan is about helping when needed. What are some of the best ways to help others?”
  • Use the following hashtags: #beagoodsamaritan #goodsamaritan #goodsamaritanday #goodsamaritans #helpingothers #helpingothersinneed #helpothers #helpothersinneed
  • Share one of the graphics or one of the videos below.

International Mathematics Day (March 14)

Your 2025 March social media calendar should include some of civilization’s greatest achievements. Math is so important in our daily lives, and today is an excellent time to demonstrate how numbers have impacted society.

  • Make a short video that explains how dentists use math to restore and straighten teeth, especially when placing dental implants.
  • Share the most famous math equation: E=Mc².
  • Create a post about some of the most famous mathematicians.
  • Ask your followers, “What was your favorite math subject in school? (algebra, geometry, calculus, etc.).”
  • Post text: “Math has impacted our society in a profound way. How do you use math in your daily life? What was your favorite type of math in school?”
  • Use the following hashtags: #math #mathday #mathematical #mathematician #mathematicians #mathematics #mathematicsday #mathisfun #mathproblems #mathskills #mathstudent #mathstudents #mathteacher #mathtricks
  • Share the graphic below.

National Pi Day (March 14)

This recent day of recognition is about the ratio between circumference and diameter. The number starts with 3.14, hence March 14 (3.14). Although many don’t understand the mathematics behind this day, Pi Day has gained some popularity in recent years.

  • Create a post that explains the math and history of Pi Day.
  • Bring some pies to the office and get some fun pictures for social media.
  • Get some pi buttons for your dental team.
  • Ask your followers if they have any special traditions on Pi Day.
  • Post text: “It’s time to celebrate math! Pi Day is about the ratio between circumference and diameter. The number starts with 3.14, hence March 14 (3.14). What special plans do you have on Pi Day?”
  • Use the following hashtags: #geometry #math #mathematics #pi #piday #piday2025 #trigonometry #trigonometryformulas
  • Share the graphic below.

St. Patrick's Day (March 17)

It’s time to make your social media holiday calendar go green!

  • Hand out green toothbrushes to your patients.
  • Ask your staff to wear green and get some unique green leprechaun hats.
  • Fill a green plastic “leprechaun pot” with lottery scratch-off tickets and offer them to patients. Be sure to share any winners online!
  • Bring in some green treats for the staff.
  • Create a post about the history of St. Patrick’s Day.
  • Post text: “Our office is going green today! Happy St. Patrick’s Day!”
  • Use the following hashtags: #irish #leprechaun #luckoftheirish #stpatrick #stpatricks #stpatricksday #stpatricksday2025 #stpatricksdayparade
  • Share the graphic below.

World Oral Health Day (March 20)

Promoting oral health should be the cornerstone of all dental practices. Your 2025 March social media calendar should encourage brushing, flossing, and regular checkups.

  • Create a short video that promotes the basics of good oral health.
  • Raffle off an electric toothbrush.
  • Explain how oral health contributes to overall health.
  • Drop off oral hygiene supplies at a local shelter.
  • Post text: “Oral health is the foundation of our overall wellness. Today, we remember the basics: floss, brush, and rinse!”
  • Use oral hygiene hashtags in your posts and the following: #oralhealthday #oralhealthday2025 #worldoralhealthday
  • Share the graphic or one of the videos below.

National Spinach Day (March 26)

We all know that spinach gives Popeye extra energy, but it also strengthens teeth! It’s time to shine a spotlight on this superfood.

  • Create a post that explains how the calcium in spinach strengthens tooth enamel.
  • Buy some cans of spinach and make a creative post at the office.
  • Maybe find Popeye and Olive Oil costumes for some outgoing staff members?
  • Share some popular spinach recipes.
  • Post text: “We all know that spinach gives Popeye extra energy, but it also strengthens teeth!”
  • Use the following hashtags: #eatyourspinach #nationalspinachday #popeye #popeyespinach #spinach #spinachday #spinachrecipes #spinachsalad #spinachsmoothie
  • Share the graphic or video below.

Live Long and Prosper Day (March 26)

Leonard Nimoy’s character Spock made the statement “Live long and prosper” popular in the sci-fi series Star Trek. It was used as a greeting and farewell. It was also accompanied by a special hand sign, separating the ring and middle finger, palm forward.

  • Have your dental team attempt the Vulcan salute on camera.
  • Ask your followers to share pics of them doing the Vulcan salute.
  • Do you think one of your team members would dress up as Spock, pointy ears and all? Star Trek costumes are available online.
  • Purchase Spock pointy-ears for your entire dental team and snap some fun pictures for social media!
  • Bring some Star Trek treats to the office, a dessert shaped like the USS Enterprise or live-long-and-prosper cookies. Be creative.
  • Post text: “Leonard Nimoy’s character Spock made the statement “Live long and prosper” popular in the sci-fi series Star Trek. It was used as a greeting and farewell. It was also accompanied by a special hand sign, separating the ring and middle finger, palm forward. Can you do your best Vulcan salute and share it in the comments?”
  • Use the following hashtags: #leonardnimoy #livelongandprosper #mrspock #sciencefiction #spock #startrek #vulcan #vulcansalute
  • Share one of the graphics below.