Click Calendar Dates Below
National Blood Donor Month
January is National Blood Donor Month because blood donations are especially low in winter due to the busy holidays and seasonal illnesses. Your 2026 January social media calendar is a time to encourage the donations that are desperately needed by trauma victims, cancer patients, surgical patients, and those with chronic illnesses.
- Create a post about the need for blood and donating.
- Donate blood with your dental team.
- Share some history of National Blood Donor Month.
- Share President Nixon’s resolution proclaiming the first National Blood Donor Month on December 31, 1969.
- Share some facts about blood donation.
- To survive, victims of car accidents may need 100 pints of blood.
- Only 10% of eligible people donate blood.
- The most needed blood type is type O, which makes up 7% of the population.
- Roughly 6.8 million blood donations occur each year.
- Post text: “January is National Blood Donor Month because blood donations are especially low in winter due to the busy holidays and seasonal illnesses. January is a time to encourage the donations that are desperately needed by trauma victims, cancer patients, surgical patients, and those with chronic illnesses.”
- Use the following hashtags: #blooddonormonth #donateblood #donatebloodsavealife #donatebloodsavelife #donatebloodsavelives #donatebloodtoday #nationalblooddonormonth #redcross
- Share the graphic below.
National Hot Tea Month
Many people enjoy a warm cup of tea, especially during the cold winter months. There are many different types of tea, and a few of them offer substantial health benefits because they contain antioxidants called polyphenols.
- Create a post about the oral health benefits of green and black tea. Studies have shown that tea, especially green and black tea, reduces decay-causing bacteria in the mouth, which helps to prevent cavities.
- Bring in green tea for the staff and get a picture of everyone enjoying a cup. You might stage this with snow falling outside or use a green screen and add a crackling fire.
- Share the other health benefits of green and black tea.
- cancer prevention
- cholesterol moderation
- cardiac health
- weight loss
- inflammation treatment
- Share some information about other teas.
- Dandelion tea: Provides vitamins A, B, C, and D. This effective anti-inflammatory also contains iron, potassium, and zinc.
- Peppermint tea: Contains menthol, which supports healthy digestion.
- Post text: “Many people enjoy a warm cup of tea, especially during the cold winter months. There are many different types of tea, and a few of them offer substantial health benefits because they contain antioxidants called polyphenols.”
- Use the following hashtags: #blacktea #greentea #hottea #hotteamonth #nationalhotteamonth #tea #tealovers #teatime
- Share the graphic below.
National Get Organized Month
Your 2026 January social media calendar is an excellent place to focus on organization because, for many, January is a time to refocus and start new challenges. Get Organized Month is sponsored by the National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals (NAPO). Organization saves you time and money and improves your health by reducing stress and anxiety, which negatively impact overall health.
- Organization helps to reduce stress, which has an adverse effect on oral health. Post some practical ways that people can better organize their lives.
- Create routines by scheduling set times. This can help to maintain the needed focus and discipline to accomplish goals.
- Make lists. Writing down tasks can help in so many ways: 1) Avoid forgetting. 2) Plan ahead. 3) See progress as you cross items off. 4) Organize your time.
- Delegate jobs. Often, people find themselves doing everything, even when others should complete some duties. Be sure to share the load.
- Reduce clutter.
- Use a calendar to plan.
- Stress and anxiety can lead to neglected oral hygiene and teeth grinding.
- Stress causes dry mouth, which leads to gum disease and tooth decay.
- Post text: “January is a great time to focus on organization because, for many, it’s a time to refocus and start new challenges. Get Organized Month is sponsored by the National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals (NAPO). Organization saves you time and money and improves your health by reducing stress and anxiety, which negatively impact overall health.”
- Use the following hashtags: #getorganized #getorganizedchallenge “#getorganizedmonth #organization #organizationhacks #organizationideas #organizationtips #organized #organizedlife
- Share the graphic below.
National Mentoring Month
Mentoring profoundly impacts people’s lives and the world. Inspiring others to achieve their full potential has a ripple effect that brings positivity to many. National Mentoring Month recognizes those who use their time and talents to support and educate others.
- This would be a good time to contact local schools and begin an oral hygiene education program. You could bring a lot of creativity to this effort with short plays about teeth, plaque, and oral care. Teachers are eager for guests and helpful information. Be sure to leave students with some branded merch (brushes, paste, and floss).
- Have you considered training dental assistants in your clinic? Many high school students are interested in a dental career. You could give back and share your passion for dentistry by mentoring some high school students to serve as dental assistants. You’re sure to inspire many future dental professionals.
- Post text: “Mentoring profoundly impacts people’s lives and the world. Inspiring others to achieve their full potential has a ripple effect that brings positivity to many. National Mentoring Month recognizes those who use their time and talents to support and educate others.”
- Use the following hashtags: #mentor #mentoring #mentoringmatters #mentoringmonth #mentoringworks #nationalmentoringmonth
- Share the graphic below.
International Creativity Month
The first month of the year is a perfect time to focus on creativity. January is about new beginnings, and starting something new requires creativity, thinking outside the box, and coming up with unique ideas.
- Create posts that help people find their creativity.
- Relax and disconnect to free up your mind. Go for a walk outside and get plenty of fresh air.
- Get more sleep. Proper rest fuels creative energy.
- Try new things and get outside your comfort zone.
- Stay positive and hopeful. Negativity works against creativity.
- Come up with a creative idea for your staff and followers. This is a good time to highlight your staff members and their many interesting talents.
- Provide some tooth outlines for younger patients to color. Post the results online.
- Post text: “The first month of the year is a perfect time to focus on creativity. January is about new beginnings, and starting something new requires creativity, thinking outside the box, and coming up with unique ideas.”
- Use the following hashtags: #creativity #creativityeveryday #creativityfound #creativitymatters #creativitymonth #internationalcreativitymonth
- Share one of the graphics below.
New Year's Day (January 1)
Your 2026 January social media calendar begins with the promise of change and new beginnings. With a new year comes opportunity—especially when it comes to improved oral hygiene. Today is a great time to encourage your followers.
- Wish followers a Happy New Year with a picture of your dental team. Sample message: “Our dental team hopes that 2026 brings you peace, joy, and fulfillment. May you and your family have a very Happy New Year!
- Find and post an inspirational quote about New Year’s.
- Link to an article about New Year’s resolutions.
- Create a funny list of New Year’s resolutions for the office.
- Share the top New Year’s resolutions.
- Spend more time exercising.
- Lose weight and get in shape.
- Clean and organize the house/office/garage.
- Develop a skill or hobby.
- Save money and watch spending.
- Quit smoking cigarettes.
- Prioritize relationships and spend more time with loved ones.
- Post text: “With a new year comes new opportunity—especially when it comes to improved oral hygiene! Happy New Year!”
- Use the following hashtags: #newyear #newyear2026 #newyearnewme #newyearsday #newyearsday2026 #newyearsresolution #newyearsresolutions #newyearsresolutions2026
- Share one of the graphics or videos below.
National Science Fiction Day (January 2)
Today, we recognize the birthday of Isaac Asimov, an American biochemist who wrote science fiction, a popular genre that focuses on technology and exploration. Have some fun with your content calendar by exploring the stories of tomorrow and faraway galaxies.
- Dress up as characters from a science fiction movie or book.
- Hand out copies of a famous science fiction movie like Star Wars.
- Ask followers to share their favorite science fiction movie in the comments.
- Share a memorable quote from a science fiction movie.
- “May the force be with you.” (Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars)
- “I’ll be back.” (Terminator, The Terminator)
- “E.T. phone home.” (E.T., E.T. the Extraterrestrial)
- “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.” (Spock, Star Trek into Darkness)
- Post text: “Today, we recognize the birthday of Isaac Asimov, an American biochemist who wrote science fiction, a popular genre that focuses on technology and exploration. Do you have a favorite science fiction book or movie?”
- Use the following hashtags: #nationalsciencefictionday #sciencefiction #sciencefictionart #sciencefictionbooks #sciencefictionday #sciencefictionmovies
- Share the graphic or video below.
National Trivia Day (January 4)
Trivia is a great way to engage your social media audience. People are always eager to learn something interesting and new. There are many great resource websites that provide thought-provoking facts about many subjects like history, science, and—of course—teeth and oral health.
- Ask a trivia question. Winners enter a drawing to receive a prize.
- Share some dental trivia.
- Have followers submit trivia questions in the comments. Others can attempt to answer.
- Have one of your dental team members ask a trivia question on camera. See if your followers can answer it.
- Raffle off a Trivial Pursuit game.
- Post text: “Today, our dental team is testing your knowledge of dental trivia: When do baby teeth begin forming?”
- Use the following hashtags: #nationaltriviaday #trivia #triviaday #triviagame #trivianight #trivialpursuit #triviaquestions
- Share one of the videos below.
National Bird Day (January 5)
Focusing on animals is a good way to balance your 2026 January social media calendar. Birds have always been an interest to humankind. It’s time to highlight these feathered wonders with some creative content. Looking for more animal mouth facts?
- Ask your followers to share their favorite bird.
- Put a bird feeder up at the office.
- Ask followers to share pictures of birds that have visited their homes.
- Share some interesting trivia about birds (For example, birds do not have teeth. Also, Egyptian plovers clean or “floss” the teeth of Nile crocodiles by eating leftover food stuck between the crocodile’s teeth.).
- Post text: “Birds have always been an interest to humankind. Many people today have birdfeeders and keep track of their feathered visitors. What type of birds do you have at your house?”
- Use the following hashtags: #bird #birdday #birdfreaks #birdlover #birdlovers #birdphotography #birds #birdsofinstagram #birdwatchers #birdwatching #nationalbirdday
- Share the graphic or video below.
Apple Tree Day (January 6)
Apples are very good for oral hygiene because they naturally clean teeth by creating an alkaline environment in the mouth, which breaks down cavity-causing plaque. Apples also contain antioxidants and vitamins that defend the body from cancer, boost immunity, promote heart health, encourage weight loss, lower diabetes risk, and stimulate brain health.
- Create a social post about the oral health benefits of eating apples regularly.
- Bring in apples and snap a picture of the staff taking a bite.
- Post apple snack recipes.
- Ask followers to share their favorite ways to eat apples.
- Post text: “Apples are very good for oral hygiene because they naturally clean teeth by creating an alkaline environment in the mouth, which breaks down cavity-causing plaque. Apples also contain antioxidants and vitamins that defend the body from cancer, boost immunity, promote heart health, encourage weight loss, lower diabetes risk, and stimulate brain health. What is your favorite type of apple?”
- Use the following hashtags: #apple #apples #applesauce #applesnack #appletree #appletreeday #appletrees #healthysnack #healthysnackideas #healthysnacking #healthysnacks #healthysnacksforkids #healthysnacksonthego
- Share the graphic or one of the videos below.
Elvis Presley's Birthday (January 8)
Elvis was obsessed with brushing his teeth. Can you use this piece of interesting trivia to encourage good oral hygiene?
- Have the dentist/hygienists dress up as Elvis to promote brushing.
- Ask followers to share their favorite Elvis song.
- Ask an outgoing member of your staff to sing a few lines of an Elvis song.
- Post text: “Did you know that Elvis was obsessed with brushing his teeth? Be like Elvis—remember, twice daily for two minutes!”
- Use the following hashtags: #elvis #elvisbirthday #elvisfan #elvispresley #elvispresleybirthday #elvispresleyfan #elvispresleyfans #elvispresleyforever #kingofrockandroll
- Share one of the videos below.
National Milk Day (January 11)
Milk has calcium and phosphorus, which strengthen tooth enamel. It also contains casein proteins that form a protective layer over teeth, shielding them from decay. Drinking milk balances pH levels and neutralizes harmful, cavity-causing bacteria. Use your 2026 January social media calendar to promote this tooth-healthy beverage.
- Share an article link that details the tooth-friendly aspects of milk.
- Create a short video, explaining how milk protects knocked-out teeth and allows dentists to reconnect them.
- Take pictures of your staff with milk mustaches and put them together into a collage post.
- Note that other dairy items, like cheese, also contain calcium.
- Post text: “Milk has calcium and phosphorus, which strengthen tooth enamel. It also contains casein proteins that form a protective layer over teeth, shielding them from decay. Drinking milk balances pH levels and neutralizes harmful, cavity-causing bacteria. Are you including enough milk in your diet?”
- Use tooth health hashtags in your posts and the following: #calcium #calciumforlife #calciumrich #calciumrichfoods #highcalcium #milk #milkday #nationalmilkday
- Share one of the graphics or one of the videos below.
Make Your Dreams Come True Day (January 13)
Today is about encouraging your followers to consider their dreams and to set goals each day to achieve them. Release your passion and keep moving forward against the challenges in life.
- Ask followers to share their best advice for pursuing dreams.
- Have your dental staff share their childhood dreams in a short, fun video.
- Post a quote about following dreams.
- Post text: “Today is about pursuing your dreams! Set daily goals to achieve small victories—release your passion and keep moving forward against the challenges in life!“
- Use the following hashtags: #dream #dreambig #dreambigger #dreambigorgohome #dreambigworkhard #dreams #makeyourdreamscometrue #makeyourdreamscometrueday
- Share one of the graphics or videos below.
National Dress Up Your Pet Day (January 14)
Pet owners always look for ways to feature their pets on social media. These special animals really do become part of the family, and dressing them up can illustrate the powerful bond they have with people. It also shows how many animals display qualities that we admire (love, companionship, and joy). Today would be a good time to ask your followers and staff to share pictures of their animal friends.
- Ask followers and dental team members to share images of their dressed-up pets.
- Share the history of dressing up pets.
- Link to an article about dressing up pets.
- Have followers vote on the best-dressed pet submissions.
- Post text: “Do you dress up your pets? It’s time to show off their coolest threads in the comments! (Be sure to keep your pet’s comfort and mobility in mind. Avoid outfits that restrict movement or breathing.)”
- Use the following hashtags: #dressuppets #dressupyourpetday #nationaldressupyourpetday #petclothes #petclothing #petoutfits
- Share the graphic or video below.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (January 20)
Martin Luther King, Jr. demonstrated the power of nonviolent protests to change unjust systems. Use your 2026 January social media calendar to illuminate this Civil Rights icon.
- Share a link to an MLK article.
- Create a post around an MLK quote.
- “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
- “True peace is not merely the absence of tension; it is the presence of justice.”
- “I think I have discovered the highest good. It is love.”
- “The time is always ripe to do right.”
- “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?'”
- “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”
- Ask followers what they learned most from MLK’s movement.
- Post a picture of MLK with inspirational words.
- Post text: “As an icon of the Civil Rights movement, Martin Luther King’s legacy has demonstrated the power of nonviolent protests to change unjust systems.”
- Use the following hashtags: #martinlutherking #martinlutherkingday #martinlutherkingjr #martinlutherkingquotes #mlk #mlkday #mlkjr #mlkquotes
- Share one of the graphics or the video below.
National Cheese Lover's Day (January 20)
Cheese is one of the most popular foods, but did you know that it’s actually good for your oral health? Your 2026 January social media calendar is a good place to illustrate how cheese protects teeth from decay.
- Bring cheese to work for your dental team and get some fun pictures for social media.
- Create a post that explains how the calcium in cheese helps strengthen tooth enamel.
- Ask your followers to share their favorite types of cheese in the comments.
- Provide some cheese trivia:
- Macaroni and cheese is the most popular American cheese recipe.
- Cheese comes in over 2,000 varieties.
- The cheese-making process was discovered 7,000 years ago.
- 10 pounds of milk are required to produce 1 pound of cheese.
- Post text: “Many people enjoy eating cheese, but did you know that this delicious food is actually good for your oral health? That’s right, cheese contains calcium, which strengthens tooth enamel and prevents tooth decay! Do you have a favorite cheese? If so, let us know in the comments!”
- Use the following hashtags: #calcium #cheese #cheeseday #nationalcheeseloversday
- Share the graphic or one of the videos below.
National Compliment Day (January 24)
It’s easy to go through the day and miss opportunities to lift people up with a compliment. It may seem trivial to voice appreciation, but studies have found that receiving genuine compliments improves self-esteem and mood, which improves overall wellness and health (including oral health). Giving compliments also has a positive effect on our sense of well-being and health because we are focusing on the needs of others; this creates a greater sense of empathy and service. National Compliment Day is a great time to use those encouraging words to improve oral health!
- Create a post that encourages people to compliment others.
- Post a list of things that we might compliment others for.
- Share a quote about the power of compliments.
- Compliments encourage smiling, which has many positive health effects.
- Post text: “It’s easy to go through the day and miss opportunities to lift people up with a compliment. It may seem trivial to voice appreciation, but studies have found that receiving genuine compliments improves self-esteem and mood, which improves overall wellness and health (including oral health). Giving compliments also has a positive effect on our sense of well-being and health because we are focusing on the needs of others; this creates a greater sense of empathy and service. National Compliment Day is a great time to use those encouraging words to improve oral health! What are the best compliments to encourage others?”
- Use the following hashtags: #compliment #complimentday #compliments #complimentsomeone #nationalcomplimentday
- Share one of the graphics or one of the videos below.
Fluoride Day (January 25)
The mineral fluoride is present in bones and teeth and occurs naturally in rocks, soil, water, plants, and air. Fluoride is used in dentistry to make tooth enamel stronger. It is also added to public drinking water to help prevent tooth decay. Use your 2026 January social media calendar to highlight the truths about fluoride and oral health.
- Create an educational post about fluoride.
- Explain that fluoride is an element that occurs naturally in many foods and groundwater.
- Illustrate how fluoride (along with calcium and phosphate) helps to remineralize tooth enamel and also protect against tooth decay.
- Demonstrate how dentists apply fluoride in the office using trays and painted-on varnishes.
- Show patients examples of over-the-counter oral care products that contain fluoride (toothpaste and mouthwash).
- Review some American Dental Association guidelines for fluoride: 1) Use a pea-sized amount of fluoride paste. 2) Be sure to spit out toothpaste.
- Discuss fluoride overdose, which can lead to tooth discoloration. This condition is normally caused by well water that has increased levels of fluoride. The same level of fluoride is 0.7 parts per million.
- Provide some historical information about fluoride. Focus on the significant drop in childhood tooth decay after 1945, the year fluoride was introduced into the water supply.
- Make a video about fluoride products used in your practice.
- Post text: “It’s Fluoride Day! Protecting tooth enamel from decay is important. Thankfully, oral hygiene products with fluoride work to remineralize and strengthen enamel.”
- Use the following hashtags: #fluoride #fluorideday #fluoridemouthwash #fluoridetoothpaste #fluoridetreatment
- Share the graphic or one of the videos below.
Dental Drill Appreciation Day (January 26)
For many people, dental fear is rooted in the dental drill, which has an unforgettable high-pitch whine. Many would never think to appreciate this piece of dental technology, but it makes modern dentistry possible and helps to maintain good oral health. How can your dental team educate the public about dental drills, painless dentistry, and dental fear?
- Create a short video about dental drills in your office. Show viewers all the parts and explain how drills remove decay and prepare teeth for restoration. Understanding something helps to reduce anxiety.
- Focus on pain-free dentistry. Create a post about all the ways modern dentists create pain-free dental experiences (local injectable anesthetic, oral sedation, nitrous oxide, conscious sedation, and IV sedation)
- Share some tips for managing dental fear.
- breathing exercises
- distraction
- friend support at the appointment
- hypnosis
- meditation
- communication with dentist
- Share some pictures of old dental drills to demonstrate how they’ve changed over the years.
- Post text: “For many people, dental fear is rooted in the dental drill, which has an unforgettable high-pitch whine. Many would never think to appreciate this piece of dental technology, but it makes modern dentistry possible and helps to maintain good oral health. Thankfully, modern dentists not only have excellent drills, but they also have the technology and techniques to make all appointments pain-free.”
- Use pain-free dentistry hashtags in your posts and following: #dentaldrill #dentaldrillappreciationday #dentaldrills #dentalfear #dentalfears #fearofdentist
- Share one of the videos below.
National Lego Day (January 28)
Lego has encouraged people to explore their creativity since 1932. See if you can bring some of this creativity into a social post.
- Have followers share a Lego creation picture in the comments.
- Bring some Legos to the office, so patients can explore their creativity. Share these Lego creations with a picture of the happy builder.
- Raffle off a Lego set to followers.
- Post some information about the history of Lego.
- Create a dental-related object (tooth, toothbrush, etc.) out of Legos.
- Post text: “Lego has encouraged people to explore their creativity since 1932. Do you have any special Lego memories? What Lego creations do you remember building as a child?”
- Use the following hashtags: #lego #legoday #legofan #legoideas #legoland #legolife #legomania #legos #legoworld
- Share one of the graphics below.
National Puzzle Day (January 29)
One of the themes of your 2026 January social media calendar is creativity. Puzzles are a great way to stimulate thinking and problem-solving.
- Bring a dental-related puzzle to the office and have the staff work on it at lunch and break time.
- Raffle off a dental-related puzzle to followers.
- Ask followers to post pictures of puzzles they are working on.
- Link to an article about the power of puzzles to strengthen the mind.
- stress relief
- relaxation
- better reasoning skills
- enhanced short-term memory
- more acute spatial and visual reasoning
- Post text: “Puzzles are a great way to stimulate thinking and problem-solving. Have you ever completed a large puzzle? What did the experience teach you about life?”
- Use the following hashtags: #nationalpuzzleday #puzzle #puzzleday #puzzlefun #puzzlelover #puzzlemania #puzzlepiece #puzzles #puzzletime
- Share the graphic below.