Click Calendar Dates Below
Oral Cancer Awareness Month
54,000 people are diagnosed with oral cancer every year. Survival rates are greatly improved if dental professionals detect the disease early. Use your social media content to educate the public about oral cancer and encourage them to get screened at their routine dental appointments. Tobacco use is still a substantial risk factor, but a growing number of healthy non-smokers are at risk due to the spread of HPV (human papillomavirus).
- Encourage your followers to avoid habits that increase the risk of mouth cancer (smoking, chewing tobacco, excessive alcohol consumption, and poor diet).
- Discuss HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) and its link to mouth cancer.
- Post a link to the Oral Cancer Foundation.
- Participate in an Oral Cancer Foundation Walk/Run.
- Host a free oral cancer screening event.
- Share statistics about oral cancer and early detection.
- Film an oral cancer screening in your office and post it online. Be sure to narrate the procedure and explain the importance of each step. If your office uses a VELscope®, this is a good time to illustrate how the light detects cancer early.
- Provide free oral cancer screenings to your patients.
- Share a list of oral cancer symptoms.
- mouth and lip sores that don’t heal
- mouth, ear, and neck pain
- oral growths
- loose teeth
- white or reddish patches inside the mouth
- painful swallowing
- tongue numbness
- voice changes
- neck lumps
- sudden weight loss
- chronic bad breath
- Post text: “54,000 people are diagnosed with oral cancer every year. Survival rates are greatly improved if dental professionals detect the disease early. Tobacco use is still a substantial risk factor, but a growing number of healthy non-smokers are at risk due to the spread of HPV (human papillomavirus). The best way to protect yourself from oral cancer is with a routine screening at your next dental appointment.”
- Use oral cancer hashtags and the following: #aprilcancerawareness #aprilcancerawarenessmonth #cancermonth #oralcancerawarenessmonth #oralcancermonth
- Share the graphic or one of the videos below.
National Facial Protection Month
In the spring, more people play sports outside, which increases the number of facial injuries. Thankfully, proper safety equipment (like helmets and mouthguards) can prevent many of these injuries.
- Create some short videos that highlight the various types of facial protective equipment.
- Share statistics about facial/dental injuries and sports.
- 200,000 dental injuries could be prevented every year with mouthguards.
- Annually, between 3-5 million teeth are knocked out during sporting events.
- Without a mouthguard, athletes are 60 times more likely to damage their teeth.
- Post text: “In the spring, more people play sports outside, which increases the number of facial injuries. Thankfully, proper safety equipment (like helmets and mouthguards) can prevent many of these injuries.”
- Use the following hashtags: #facialprotectionmonth #mouthguard #mouthguards #nationalfacialprotectionmonth
- Share the graphic or one of the videos below.
National Autism Awareness Month
During April, we have an opportunity to educate the public about autism (autism spectrum disorder or ASD) and the unique challenges this disability presents to families and health professionals, like dentists.
- Children with autism struggle to process new experiences and new environments. Create a video post that discusses the types of accommodations that your practice makes to provide a comforting experience.
- parental support in the treatment room
- sunglasses
- dimmed lights
- noise-canceling headphones
- music
- a favorite video
- reduced noise and commotion
- weighted blanket
- positive, encouraging messages throughout
- slow introduction of services over many office visits to build a sense of trust
- anti-anxiety medications and general anesthesia
- Sensory issues can make routine dental hygiene a challenge for children with autism. Create a simple infographic that provides helpful tips for parents.
- Combine dental hygiene with a fun activity (like bathing, reading, watching a favorite movie, etc.). This strategy helps to provide a sense of relaxation.
- There are many different kinds of toothpaste and brushes, so parents can help children with autism find the most agreeable options. Create a post that explores some options (for example, share some of the many different types/flavors of toothpaste and the various brush options (manual vs electric).
- Working with an occupational therapist can help children establish good independent brushing techniques.
- Use the following hashtags: #autismawareness #autismawarenessandacceptance #autismawarenesseveryday #autismawarenessmonth #nationalautismawarenessmonth
- Share the graphic below.
National Volunteer Month
After initiating his 1000 Points of Light program in 1991, President George H.W. Bush declared April as National Volunteer Month. Since then, many people have been inspired to help others by volunteering their time and talents.
- Discover what volunteering opportunities are available in your community. Consider organizing a team of volunteers from your office to help out.
- homeless shelter
- animal shelter
- local beautification (trash pickup, planting trees, etc.)
- soup kitchen
- meal/food delivery to the homebound
- blood drive
- Many people cannot afford dental care. Donating some of your time to provide free dental services is a great way to build office morale and demonstrate an altruistic practice mission.
- Use the following hashtags: #nationalvolunteermonth #volunteer #volunteering #volunteermonth #volunteeropportunities #volunteers #volunteerwork
- Share the graphic or one of the videos below.
National Humor Month
In 1976, comedian Larry Wilde established National Humor Month to promote the therapeutic benefits of humor. Studies show that humor and laughter have many important health benefits.
- Focus on creating funny creative posts this month!
- Create some posts using dental jokes.
- Organize a drawing of funny movies in a gift basket.
- Create a post about the health benefits of humor and laughing: reduced stress, improved immune system, reduced pain, and improved mood.
- Use the following hashtags: #humor #humormonth #laugh #laughmore #laughterishealing #laughterishealthy #nationalhumormonth
- Share one of the videos below.
National Month of Hope
Spring is the perfect month for hope. Flowers are blooming, and the days are getting warmer and brighter. National Month of Hope is all about lifting spirits and encouraging people with positive messages.
- Spend time with people in need.
- Write encouraging letters to those going through difficult times.
- Give resources to help lift financial burdens.
- Post positive, hopeful messages on social media.
- Share stories of people who overcame difficult situations.
- Use the following hashtags: #havehope #hope #hopedealer #hopeful #hopeinaction #monthofhope #nationalmonthofhope #spreadhope
- Share one of the graphics or one of the videos below.
April Fools' Day (April 1)
Your 2025 April social media calendar should definitely include laughter—it’s one of the best ways to market your dental practice brand, and fun April Fools’ Day pranks can easily get your followers in a good mood.
- Brainstorm some funny April Fools’ Day pranks to play on the dentist. Be sure to capture the funny reactions on video!
- Ask your followers to share their best April Fools’ Day pranks.
- Create a post about the origin of April Fools’ Day: Most historians believe that April Fools’ Day began in 1592 when the calendar shifted from the Julian calendar, which started the new year on April 1, to the Gregorian calendar, which began on January 1. Those who were slow to catch on to this change were often the object of ridicule and jokes, hence April Fools’ Day pranks.
- Post a funny dental meme.
- Post text: “Who’s ready to have some April Fools’ Day fun? What pranks do you have prepared? Ultimately, it’s all about laughter and having a good time, which reduces stress and improves oral health—happiness is good for your teeth and gums!”
- Use the following hashtags: #aprilfools #aprilfoolsday #aprilfoolsday2025 #aprilfoolsdayprank #aprilfoolsdaypranks #aprilfoolsjoke #aprilfoolsjokes
- Share the graphic below.
International Carrot Day (April 4)
Snacking on raw carrots is a good way to clean your teeth naturally. This social media day should highlight all the benefits of this healthy, crunchy snack.
- Raffle off a carrot shirt or mug.
- Create a post that illustrates how vitamin A and keratin in carrots help to strengthen and protect tooth enamel.
- Bring carrots to the office and take fun pictures of the staff enjoying this healthy snack.
- Make a short video with the doctor or staff member talking about the benefits of carrots.
- Post text: “Snacking on raw carrots is a good way to clean your teeth naturally. The vitamin A and keratin in carrots also help to strengthen and protect tooth enamel.”
- Use the following hashtags: #eatcarrots #eatmorecarrots #carrot #carrotday #carrotdays #carrots #carrottime #internationalcarrotday
- Share the graphic or video below.
National Wildlife Week (April 5-9)
Feature local wildlife in your 2025 April social media calendar. Throughout the week, ask staff members and followers to keep their phones ready and capture interesting animal pictures for social media.
- Share pictures of local wildlife on social media. Does your office have a bird feeder? Consider installing one. People enjoy watching birds and appreciate businesses that support the environment.
- Ask your followers to post pictures of local wildlife in the comments. Many of your followers already photograph the animals that visit their homes, and they will be eager to share.
- Interview your dental team members about their favorite wild animals. Be sure to include follow-up questions: Why is this animal your favorite? What qualities of this animal are interesting?
- Post text: “Wildlife is a critically important part of maintaining a healthy environment. Did you know that squirrels are responsible for planting a lot of trees? It’s true. They forget about most of the nuts they bury, which means they are actually planting millions of trees. What type of wildlife do you see around your house?”
- Use the following hashtags: #nationalwildlifeweek #wildlife #wildlifeconservation #wildlifelovers #wildlifephoto #wildlifephotography #wildlifephotots #wildlifeplanet #wildlifeweek #wildlifeweekend
- Share one of the videos below.
National Dental Hygienist Week (April 7-11)
Dental hygienists clean teeth, but they also look for other health issues like oral cancer, diabetes, and lupus. Oral health is an indicator of whole-body wellness, so hygienists have a vital job indeed! This week is all about prevention and encouraging routine dental appointments. It’s also an excellent time to praise your hygiene staff publically. Showing your appreciation builds morale and reflects a spirit of teamwork, which prospective new patients seek.
- Interview one of your hygienists about the profession. Ask questions about becoming a dental hygienist, school curriculum, and clinical experiences. If your office sponsors a hygiene scholarship, you could promote it in this video as well (Be sure to provide links to the scholarship guidelines and submission documents.).
- Do something special for your hygiene team (lunch out? Gift cards? bonus?).
- Create a post that details the responsibilities of a dental hygienist.
- Use oral hygiene hashtags to promote your posts.
- Post text: “Dental hygienists clean teeth, but they also look for other health issues like oral cancer, diabetes, and lupus. Oral health is an indicator of whole-body wellness, so hygienists have a vital job indeed!”
- Use the following hashtags: #dentalhygieneweek #dentalhygienistmonth #hygienistweek #hygienistsweek #nationaldentalhygienemonth #nationaldentalhygienistweek #nationaldentalhygienistsweek
- Share the graphic or one of the videos below.
National Siblings Day (April 10)
Brothers and sisters certainly impact our lives. Have some fun recognizing these special relationships.
- Post pictures of the staff and their siblings.
- Have your followers post pictures with their siblings.
- Interview your staff and ask them to recount a special sibling memory.
- Post an inspirational quote about the blessings of brothers and sisters (examples below).
- “A ministering angel shall my sister be.” –William Shakespeare
- “I grew up with six brothers. That’s how I learned to dance-waiting for the bathroom.” –Bob Hope
- “Brothers don’t necessarily have to say anything to each other—they can sit in a room and be together and just be completely comfortable with each other.” –Leonardo DiCaprio
- “What causes sibling rivalry? Having more than one kid.” –Tim Allen
- Post text: “Brothers and sisters certainly impact our lives. What do you appreciate most about your siblings?”
- Use the following hashtags: #brother #brothers #brothersandsisters #nationalsiblingsday #nationalsiblingsday2025 #siblings #siblingsday #siblingsday2025 #sister #sisters
- Share the graphic below.
National Pet Day (April 11)
People form strong bonds with their pets, and they enjoy sharing pictures of them on social media. Today is a great time to break out the pet selfies and express appreciation for these animal friends!
- Create a collage of your dental team’s pets.
- Ask your followers to post their favorite pet pictures in the comments.
- Share an article about the benefits of owning a pet.
- Pets encourage owners to exercise (walks, playtime, etc.).
- Owning a pet can reduce stress and improve mental health.
- Caring for a pet provides a sense of purpose and meaning.
- Research has shown that pet owners live longer, healthier lives.
- Post text: “Pets bring so much joy to our lives—in fact, studies show that caring for a pet actually makes us healthier! Do you have a favorite picture of your pet? Please share it in the comments.”
- Use the following hashtags: #nationalpetday #nationalpetday2025 #pet #petday #petdaycare #petfriendly #petgrooming #petlover #petoftheday #pets #petsofinstagram
- Share the graphic or one of the videos below.
International Moment of Laughter Day (April 14)
The world needs more laughter, which has actually been proven to benefit overall health. Use your 2025 April social media calendar to get some laughs (and smiles!).
- Make a short, funny video in the office.
- Get the crew together for a coordinated dance.
- Costumes are always good for a laugh.
- Record someone telling a good joke.
- Stage a humorous, dental-related picture with your dental team.
- Share an article about the health benefits of laughter.
- Post a funny dental meme or cartoon.
- Post text: “Studies show that laughter boosts the immune system and improves overall health—including oral health. It’s time we do more laughing!”
- Use the following hashtags: #humor #humorous #internationalmomentoflaughterday #laugh #laughing #laughmore #laughoutloud #laughs #laughter #laughterday #laughteristhebestmedicine #momentoflaughterday
- Share the graphic or one of the videos below.
National Banana Day (April 16)
Bananas are good for your teeth because they contain potassium, manganese, and magnesium, which strengthen tooth enamel. Use your 2025 April social media calendar to highlight this tasty yellow fruit.
- Share an article about bananas and oral health.
- Post a recipe that includes bananas.
- Bring in some bananas for the staff. Take a fun picture for social media.
- Explain how bananas strengthen enamel and reduce tooth sensitivity.
- Post text: “Bananas contain potassium, manganese, and magnesium, which strengthen tooth enamel. It’s time to add this tasty yellow fruit to your diet!”
- Use the following hashtags: #banana #bananaday #bananadays #bananas #bananasaregood #eatbananas #eatmorebananas #nationalbananaday
- Share the graphic or video below.
National Velociraptor Awareness Day (April 18)
Ever since Jurrasic Park first came to theaters, people have been interested in this fierce dinosaur.
- Share an article about dinosaur teeth.
- Ask your dental team about their favorite dinosaurs. Film their responses.
- Ask your followers what dinosaur they like most.
- Post text: “Ever since the first Jurrasic Park film, people have been fascinated by the velociraptor—but did you know that there was actually another species of dinosaur called the floss-o-raptor, which carried dental floss to keep its teeth clean between meals? Haha. Just kidding:)!”
- Use the following hashtags: #dinosaur #dinosaurs #nationalvelociraptorawarenessday #velociraptor #velociraptorawarenessday #velociraptorblue #velociraptors
- Share the graphic or one of the videos below.
Easter (April 20)
Your 2025 March social media calendar wouldn’t be complete without an Easter post; this holiday is very special for many of your followers. Send them good wishes with a dental twist.
- Take a team picture and wish everyone a happy Easter. Post with an Easter-themed frame and maybe some appropriate stickers or GIFS (bunny, eggs, basket, etc.).
- Decorate the office with traditional Easter images (eggs, bunnies, etc.).
- Fill some plastic eggs with small prizes and let your patients pick one. Share pictures or videos on social media.
- Bring bunny ears for the staff to wear and take a group picture.
- Post text: “Our dental team wishes you and your family a memorable and blessed Easter.”
- Use the following hashtags: #easter #easterbasket #easterbunny #easterdecor #easteregghunt #eastereggs #eastertime #easterweekend #happyeaster
- Share the graphic or video below.
Earth Day (April 22)
People today are more environmentally conscious, and they appreciate businesses that recognize the importance of ecology.
- Does your office recycle? This is a good time to demonstrate your commitment to environmental protection.
- Maybe your staff could volunteer to beautify the community (pick up trash, etc.). Consider joining forces with a local conservation group. Get matching dental practice branded shirts-turn this gathering into a staff morale-building event. Treat the team to lunch at a local pizza place.
- Encouraging green areas is a great way to help the environment. Have you thought about planting a flower garden at your office? Is someone on your team good with plants? The greenery and color might attract more than insects; adding attractive plants can also help sell your brand and enhance curb appeal.
- Share some history about the origins of Earth Day and ask your followers to do their part.
- The first Earth Day was held in 1970.
- 1 billion people recognize Earth Day in 193 countries.
- EarthDay.org coordinates events, which take place on April 22 every year.
- Ways to support Earth Day:
- Reduce, reuse, recycle.
- Use less water (especially when brushing your teeth!).
- Use energy-efficient light bulbs.
- Plant a tree.
- Post text: “Earth Day is a time to remember the importance of ecology. Planting trees, picking up trash, and recycling are just a few ways that we can support our natural environment.”
- Use the following hashtags: #earth #earthday #earthdayactivities #earthdaybirthday #earthdayeveryday #earthdayiseveryday #earthday2025 #happyearthday #worldearthday
- Share the graphic below.
Shakespeare Day (April 23)
Considered the best playwright, William Shakespeare created some stories and characters that will never be forgotten. It’s time to bring some creativity and drama into your social calendar!
- Share memorable quotes from Shakespeare’s works.
- “Bid them wash their faces. And keep their teeth clean.” (Coriolanus, Act 2, Scene 3)
- “How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have a thankless child!” (King Lear, Act 1, Scene 4)
- “He that sleeps feels not the tooth-ache.” (Cymbeline, Act 5, Scene 4)
- Have someone on your dental team recite a few Shakespeare lines for a short video.
- Ask your followers to share their favorite Shakespeare work in the comments.
- Post text: “William Shakespeare is considered the greatest playwright of all time, creating some of the most iconic stories and characters. Do you know any famous Shakespeare lines? Please share in the comments. Also, interesting trivia: In Shakespeare’s day (1564-1616), people wiped their teeth with a cloth, used a finger to dislodge food particles, or they chewed twigs.”
- Use the following hashtags: #elizabethan #elizabethanera #shakespeare #shakespeareday #shakespearplays #shakespearequotes #williamshakespeare #williamshakespearequote #williamshakespearequotes
- Share the graphic or one of the videos below.
Administrative Professionals Day (April 23)
The front desk staff does so much to promote and sustain your dental practice brand. Administrative Professionals Day is celebrated on the Wednesday of the last full week of April, and it’s a time to show your appreciation. This 2025 April social media calendar is meant to engage your followers and also your staff!
- Treat your administrative team to lunch at a local restaurant (Take pictures and tag the restaurant; this is a great way to build solid business-to-business relationships (especially on Instagram).
- Get something special for your administrative team (Amazon gift cards, gift certificates to a favorite restaurant, flowers).
- Highlight your administrative staff members online and praise their hard work.
- Stage a humous photo with the dentist trying to handle the front desk—insurance, scheduling, etc. Really ham it up with messed-up hair and a confused, overwhelmed look.
- Post text: “Our administrative staff members do so much to keep the office running smoothly. There’s a lot to coordinate in a dental practice (scheduling, insurance, treatment planning, etc.). Today, we recognize all their efforts and express our appreciation:)!”
- Use the following hashtags: #administrativeprofessionals #administrativeprofessionalsday #administrativeprofessionalsweek #greatstaff #recognition #staff
- Share the graphic below.
National Arbor Day (April 25)
Arbor Day (the last Friday in April) is a time to recognize the value of trees and how they beautify our communities, clean the air, and produce oxygen. One million trees were planted during America’s first Arbor Day in 1872.
- Plant a tree at your office.
- Distribute tree saplings to your patients with an informational card about Arbor Day.
- Post a picture of a leaf and ask your followers to name the tree species.
- Create a post that illustrates the importance of trees.
- Post text: “Arbor Day (the last Friday in April) is a time to recognize the value of trees and how they beautify our communities, clean the air, and produce oxygen. One million trees were planted during America’s first Arbor Day in 1872. Do you have a special memory about a tree? Please share in the comments.”
- Use the following hashtags: #arborday #arborday2025 #arbordayathome #arbordayfoundation #nationalarborday #planttrees #tree #trees
- Share the graphic below.